pindle partnerships

Is your organisation an NGO? We would love to partner with you.

By partnering with Pindle, we will feature your company on our specially curated NGO badge list. This will bring more publicity to your organization and awareness for the causes you stand for.

The best part? It’s all free.
At Pindle, we believe in giving back to the community.


How does the NGO Badge List work?


Users are able to select a NGO they would like to support on their post when they post a picture.


From this list, the user is able to select up to five organizations of their choosing to be added as badges.


Anyone who clicks on the badge will be brought straight to your website, social media or donation page.


Users are able to select a NGO they would like to support on their post when they post a picture.


From this list, the user is able to select up to five organizations of their choosing to be added as badges.


Anyone who clicks on the badge will be brought straight to your website, social media or donation page.

pindle partnerships

Join our Global Partner Program!

If this all sounds awesome to you, we invite you to apply for Pindle’s Partner Program today.

Simply fill in the form below and a representive from Pindle will be in touch shortly!
